Classification of IMDB Data : Binary Classification

Buse Yaren Tekin
1 min readSep 1, 2020

Hello everyone, in this article we will go with you a little deeper learning basics. In fact, we will work with you so that we will have a long-term adventure together with the data set we have, from pre-preparation to training. In fact, we will work with you so that it will be a long-term adventure with the data set, from pre-preparation to training. If you have any prior knowledge of binary classification, let us continue on our way. But if you are not interested in the previous or if you have a small question in your mind, I would definitely recommend reviewing the link I left. The reason why the data set we will examine today is recognized as a binary classification problem is because we have two classes (positive and negative).

The data set to be used contains a total of 50,000 pieces of data. Let’s start by creating a notebook as seen in the image and import the data set from the Keras library. We then need to separate the cluster for this data set to be used in the training and testing process.

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Buse Yaren Tekin

Academician, Kastamonu University —AI Specialist, SimurgAI